Tax Free Portfolio Goal Seek Widget
***On any devices, you can zoom in/out of the widget zone for readability. Also instructions below Widget***
(last updated 15/08/2021)
*Note: If you end up with zero after tax amount, refresh the page.
Following from my how to Fat FIRE on ~$137k blog post, I have created a simple goal seek widget to determine based on the franking percentage, at what dividend amount does your portfolio become tax free once you FIRE. I chose not to include other incomes as this is based solely on portfolio that can use franking credits.
I've included five scenarios to allow you do comparisons easily.
Please note that I understand that with ETF portfolios it's impossible to know what your annual franking percentage will end up being. This widget works best with fully franked stocks/ETFs (when and if it does come) and of course unfranked stocks which will just be the lowest tax bracket for those people able to live on that.
Franking Credit Percentage - This the average annual franking percentage you want to use to see what dividend amount you would need to achieve no tax on your portfolio.
After Tax Amount - This is the tax free dividend you are aiming for to achieve zero tax on your portfolio based on your desired franking credit percentage.